Early funds are often the hardest to secure. Establish a strategy and actions needed to successfully achieve funding targets.
Do your homework! Know what investors are looking for in an investment. Be realistic about what stage your business is in.
Example: Are you looking for a seed round of investment or are you ready for Series A funding. Be clear on the type of return and/or exit that investors expect. Likewise know the typical and ideal exit time horizons. Gather the essentials needed for your slide deck for a successful pitch to investors.
Have solid financials and projections.
Numbers are not secondary to new technology or new product offerings. Knowing your numbers is key. Examples: Top line revenue, gross margin and net profit margin.
Also key is having a realistic mid-level 5-year projection including P&L. Check that you don’t have non-credible, unrealistically high projections, or you’re so conservative that you diminish the perception of the opportunity.
It’s important to show traction in your numbers for product and sales along with proof of the company’s unique offerings within a total addressable market. Your total addressable market should be proportional to the opportunity.
Marjorie scouts for new transformational opportunities, especially those she believes will make a measurable, social or environmental impact with financial return.
As an angel investor, she viewed more than 1,000 pitches from entrepreneurs and invests primarily through two angel groups Launchpad Venture Group and Branch Venture Group.
Previously, She grew and led a multi-product company that secured angel funds, and expanded the firm in over 100 countries. Marjorie sold it to a two-billion dollar publicly-held entity. She evaluated many companies for this public firm to potentially acquire.
Being part of these groups for many years and having been an entrepreneur herself, Marjorie has deep insights into what’s needed to make an impact and get funded.
If you’re interested in contacting Marjorie about opportunities, be sure to first review the investment criteria and processes for Launchpad Venture Group and Branch Venture Group.